The Bay Area Country Dance Society Website

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Support our staff at this difficult time

Dancers! The life of a professional country dance musician is economically challenging at the best of time. They bring us joy, and we can't afford to pay them what their talents would be worth if they were playing in more popular genres, and stringing together enough gigs of various kinds to do without a day job keeps you busy enough that you can't have a day job. With the COVID-19 outbreak and the social distancing measures being taken to slow transmission, gigs of all kinds are drying up - camps, weekends, house concerts, balls are canceled or postponed indefinitely.

So this would be a great time to buy a CD from a professional country dance musician, or subscribe to their Patreon, or support their Kickstarter for a project they're working on, or commission a tune, or buy their tunebook, or book a music lesson over Skype. You'll get to enjoy the music you love even when there are no dances, and you'll help keep the artists around for when we can dance again.

The Country Dance and Song Society, of which BACDS is an affiliate organization, has put up an excellent page for "show our freelancers some love", with many links. Go there for up-to-date links to donate or purchase stuff.

If you must send us some spam, please send it here.