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BACDS Fall Ball

November 15, 2008

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The Dances:

3/4 D
The Beau's Retreat
Birthday at Pinewoods
Collier's Daughter
Hambleton's Round-O
Jack's Health
4/4 Bm
4/4 D
6/8 Am
9/8 Am
Jaque Latin
The MollyAndrew
Puck's Deceit
Scales of Justice
Trim the Sails

If a dance has a next to it, click on that to see the musical notation from Impropriety II (for those with tunes not in Barnes I or II).  Also, many of Brooke's dance use the global terminology instructions - besides the hints we provide you can also read about the philosophy of this notational style

The Beau’s Retreat
Three Couples Set, Longways, 3/2 meter
Playford 1728

A1 1-4 1st diagonals chase to end in 2nd place improper as follows: #2R (2nd woman) cast down, go below 3s and up opposite side (#2 L (man) moving up) while #1L (1st man) follows and cuts up between 3s.
5-8 Those dancers 2-hand turn 1 1/2 to end on own side in 2nd place
A2 1-8 1s repeat on the second diagonal (#1L (1st man) leading; 1s end in 2nd place proper)
B1 1-4 1s half figure-8 up through 2s; L-hand turn 1/2 way into…
5-8 Go out the ends (L (man) down, R (woman) up) and cast left into 2nd place; L-hand turn half way into…
B2 1-2 1s half figure-8 down through 3s...
3-4 R-hand turn half way to end in middle of line of four with 2s facing up
5-6 Line of four lead up and back
7-8 1s cast round 2s to bottom while 3s move up one place (2s can help 1s cast with the beginning of a gate turn)

4 bars equals 12 steps.  B1 to B2 bar 4 is one continuous flow; 1s end where started (2nd place proper)

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Birthday at Pinewoods
Duple Minor Longways, 3/4 meter
Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly ,2008
Music: Ripples on the Pond, Jonathan Jensen, 2007

A 1-4 1st diagonals cast left into neighbor’s place while 2nd diagonals follow, crossing set to partner’s place (1 bar) and into a partner L-shoulder gypsy once round on the side (3 bars) into...
5-7 Circle right 4-hands once round (end with 1s on L(men's)-file, 2s on R(women's)-file)
8 All begin turn single right into...
9-12 Those on 2nd diagonal continue turn single right to cast home while opposites (original neighbor) follow, crossing set to home (1 bar) and into a neighbor R-shoulder gypsy once round on the side (3 bars) into...
13-16 Circle left 4-hands once round (all end home)
B 1-2 Partners set
3-4 All turn over R-shoulder to change places with neighbor (1st diagonals through middle; 2nd diagonals casting)
5-8 R-hands across once round and turn single left into...
9-12 Partners L-hand turn once round
13-16 Partners L-shoulder back to back

At the end of A bar 4 you are one place CCW around the set.
A bars 1 and 9: Same people (original 2nd diagonals) cross the set each time.

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Collier’s Daughter

Duple Minor Longways, 2/2 meter
Playford 1728

A1 1-4 1s cross and move down the outside into 2nd place, 2s moving up
5-8 1s 2-hand turn once and a half
A2 1-4 1s cross and move down the outside below the next 2s (who stay put)
5-8 1s 2-hand turn once and a half
B1 1-2 1s lead up to below original 2s
3-6 1s and 2s circle 4-hands once round
7-8 All turn single
B2 1-4 1s and 2s four changes of rights and lefts (no hands, 2 steps per change)
5-8 Partners 2-hand turn once round

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Two Couple Set, Longways, 6/8 meter
Playford 1651
Tune: Hit and Miss (played relatively slowly)

Part I
A1 1-4 Facing on the diagonal, forward a double to the center and back
A2 1-4 Repeat
B1 1-4 Partners lead in, opposites lead out
B2 1-4 Opposites lead in, partners lead out and turn to face back in
C1 1-6 Four changes of rights and lefts (no hands, pass opposite R-shoulder to begin; the first two changes are two steps each, the second two changes are four steps each)
Part II
A1 1-4 ‘Camera lens siding’: swirly siding for 4 on the diagonal
A2 1-4 Repeat
B1, B2, C1 - same as in Part I
Part III
A1 1-4 R-hands across once round
A2 1-4 L-hands across once round
B1, B2, C1 - same as in Part I

For camera lens siding, you dance the same individual path as Sharp siding except that you face on the diagonal, curving in with a double step with R-shoulder leading so all have R-shoulder together in the center and curving out to the sidelines with L-shoulder (and foot) leading.

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Easter Thursday
Duple Minor Longways, 3/2 meter
Playford 1733

A1 1-3 Neighbors R-shoulder back to back
4-6 Partners R-shoulder back to back
A2 1-3 Neighbors R-hand turn once round
4-6 Partners L-hand turn once round
B1 1-4 All (facing diagonal) set, turn single R and clap into…
5-8 Circle 4-hands once round
B2 1-2 1s cross down between 2s and cast up
3-4 1s cross over passing R-shoulder and cast down while 2s move up
5-6 Partners 2-hand turn once round

The clap comes at the beginning of bar 4; it is a gentle punctuation clap

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Hambleton’s Round O
Triple Minor Longways, 3/2 meter
Playford 1713

A 1-2 1s cast into 2nd place (2s move up)
3-4 1s L-shoulder hey across the set, with the couple on the right
5-8 1s 2-hand turn once round
B 1-2 Top four (1s and 2s): On 1st diagonal change places, 2nd diagonals change places
3-4 1s and 2s circle 4-hands halfway round (and if there is time…turn single over right shoulder)
5-8 1s and 2s four changes of rights and lefts (no hands, partners facing to begin)

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Duple Minor Longways, 6/8 meter
Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett, 1999
Tune: Millisons Jegge, Playford 1651

A1 1-4 Neighbors gate turn once and a quarter (1s in and down to begin) to end in line of four facing down
A2 1-4 Lines lead down and fall back
B1 1-2 Neighbors lead out the sides
3-4 Neighbors turn as a couple with 2s turning under (see teaching point)
5-6 Neighbors lead in
7-8 1s cast off while 2s lead up
B2 1-4 1s half figure-8 up through 2s
5-6 Neighbors gate once round (1s in and up to begin)
Repeat with the 1s on opposite sides. Each time through the dance the 1s will change sides.

For the turn as a couple in B1 bars 3-4, the 2s, who are above, always go down and to the inside of the set and under the joined hands while the 1s go up and to the outside of the set. It is similar to a California twirl without the feeling of a twirler and a twirlee.

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Jack’s Health
Duple Minor Longways, 6/8 meter
Playford 1721
Tune: Bolt the Door

(This may be a different version of the dance than what you are used to)

A1 1-4 1s cross and cast (2s dance up)
5-8 1s 2-hand turn once round, end facing up
A2 1-4 Neighbors R-shoulder back-to-back
5-8 Neighbors 2-hand turn once round (end facing out)
B 1-4 Neighbors lead out, set to each other, lead back in, and mirror turn single
5-8 Four changes of rights and lefts (no hands); 1s cross to own side

The rights and lefts is not strictly phrased; rather you flow through it (approximately 3-3.5 steps per change) leaving time at the end for the 1s to cross back to their own side

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Jaque Latin
Duple Minor Longways, 2/4 meter
Playford 1775

A1 1-8 #1R-file (1st woman) hey on L-file (with men), giving L-shoulder to #2L(man) to begin (end home)
A2 1-8 1L (1st mane) repeat on R-file (with women) (R-shoulder to begin)
B1 1-8 1s cross passing R-shoulder, move down one place (2s move up), cross and move down one more place
B2 1-4 1s lead up to below original 2s and set to them
5-8 1s lead up through 2s and cast to 2nd place
C1 1-4 Facing on the diagonal, all set twice
5-8 L-hands across once round
C2 1-4 Facing on the diagonal, all set twice
5-8 R-hands across once round

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The MollyAndrew
Sicilian Circle, 3/4 meter
Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 1998
Tune: Saturday Morning Waltz, Dave Wiesler, 1997

A 1-4 1s (those facing CW) half figure-8 around 2s, crossing between them to begin
5-8 Opposites mirror (handy-hand) turn once round (1s dancing in to begin)
9-12 2s (those facing CCW) half figure-8 around 1s, going outside them to begin (continue flow from turn)
13-16 Opposites mirror (handy-hand) turn once round (1s dancing in to begin)
B 1-4 Opposites mirror back to back (1s dancing between 2s to begin; take inside hands with partner when dancing between)
5-8 Circle left 4-hands once round
9-12 Those on the right diagonal (women) change passing R-shoulder, on the left diagonal (men) change passing R-shoulder
13-16 Partners 2-hand turn once round to face new opposites

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Puck’s Deceit
Duple Minor Longways, 2/4 meter
Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 1997
Tune: Kettle Drum, Playford 1651

A1 1-4 1st M beckons to 2nd W, who dances 4 steps toward him
A2 1-4 1s pass R-shoulder to gypsy R-shoulder with diagonal (end facing this person)
B1 1-8 Hey for 4 across the set, R-shoulder to diagonal to begin, ending in line of 4 facing up with 1s in middle, improper (this goes fast)
B2 1-4 Line of 4 up a double and back
5-6 2s gate turn the 1s three quarters (1s forward to begin) to face partner
7-8 1s pass R-shoulder to cross to own side

At the end of A2, all are in a line of 4 across the set with the 2s on the outside facing in and the 1s improper in the middle facing out.

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Three Couple Set, Longways, 4/4 meter
Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2007
Music: Remembrance, Dave Bartley, 2007

A1 1-4 Mirror (‘Morris’) hey on sides, ends cast and middles move up middle to begin
5-8 1s cast to the bottom, lead up to the top and cast into 2nd place (2s lead up)
A2 1-4 Mirror (‘Morris’) hey on sides, ends cast and new middles (1s) move down middle to begin
5-8 3s cast to the top, lead down to the bottom and cast into 2nd place (1s move down the sideline without taking hands) (order 2, 3, 1)
B1 1-2 Middles with 1st corners do two changes of rights and lefts on the diagonal (with hands)
3-4 Middles with 2nd corners do two changes of rights and lefts on the diagonal (with hands)
5-6 Middles orbit CCW halfway round the set
7-8 Partners L-shoulder gypsy once round (all improper, order 1, 3, 2)
B2 1-8 Repeat B1
End 2, 3, 1

Note that you do four steps to the bar.  For diagonal rights and lefts, middles go to the same end both times in the 1st B (with your 1st corner and then your partner’s 2nd corner) and the other end both times in the 2nd B.  After gypsy at the end of B1, partners separate to sidelines. Out of the final gypsy at the end of B2, partners stay close – new 1s and 2s facing up and 3s facing down ready to begin the hey.

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Scales of Justice
Duple Minor Longways, 4/4 meter
Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2006
Tune: Scales of Justice, Shira Kammen, 2006

A 1-8 Face neighbor to begin 4 changes of rights and lefts (with hands); the 4th change is a L-hand turn 3/4 to end with 1st diagonals in middle of line of 4 down the center of the set
B 1-2 Middle people R-hand turn three quarters round while outside people orbit CCW one quarter round to meet partner in line of 4 across the set
3-4 Partners L-hand turn once round
5-6 Middle people R-hand turn three quarters round while outside people orbit CCW one quarter round to meet partner in line of 4 down the center of the set
7-8 Partners L-hand turn three quarters round to end progressed and improper
C1 1-4 Partners Sharp (swirly) siding
5-8 Partners L-shoulder half gypsy and turn single over R-shoulder to face on diagonal
C2 1-4 ‘Camera lens siding’: swirly siding for 4 on the diagonal (see Daphne)
5-8 L-hands across once round, easing out to face new neighbor

The A part is leisurely which contrasts with the quicker turns of the B part.  At the end of the B part there is a poise point before the siding in the C part.

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Three Couple Set, Longways, 6/8 meter
Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2006
Tune: The Flaxley Green Dance, traditional

A1 1-4 2s with neighbor on left (inside hands joined) advance on 1st corner (right) diagonal and retire
5-8 Those 4, two changes of rights and lefts on the diagonal (with hands)
A2 1-4 2s with neighbor on right (inside hands joined) advance on 2nd corner (left) diagonal and retire
5-8 Those 4, two changes of rights and lefts on the diagonal (with hands)
B1 1-2 1st corners (on long right diagonal) change places
3-4 2nd corners (on long left diagonal) change places (all are now home)
5-8 Circle 6-hands to left halfway round
B2 1-2 Top 4: on 1st diagonal change places
3-4 Top 4: on 2nd diagonal change places while 1s (at bottom) change places
5-8 Partners 2-hand turn once round
End 2, 3, 1

In A2, the 2s go toward the same end of the set as in A1. At the end of A2, the 2s are home and the corners are in each other’s place.

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Trim the Sails
Triple Minor Longways, 9/8 meter
Chris Sackett and Brooke Friendly 2005
Tune: The Wishing Well, traditional

A1 1-2 Partners pass R-shoulder and loop left to face around circle CCW
3-4 All no-hands circle half-way round to end facing partner
A2 1-2 Partners pass L-shoulder and loop right to face around circle CW
3-4 All no-hands circle half-way round to end home facing partner
B1 1-4 All circle 6-hands to left and back to right (slipping)
B2 1-2 1s cast into 2nd place
3-4 New lines of 3 (with hands) go forward and back (1s with new 2s and 3s below)

The partner passes in the A part are curvy.  In the A part, the 2s are the anchor for the figure. They end home at the end of each A and can help the other dancers (who end A1 proper and at other end of line) go the correct distance around the circle.

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Revised:  2008-10-05