BACDS currently holds dances on Wednesdays and Fridays through Sundays. Click on the calendar dates to go to listings for that day.
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Please note: Except where noted, all dances start at 8pm.
BET--Bethany United Methodist Church, 1268 Sanchez (at Clipper), San Francisco. 2nd Saturday English dance, 7:30pm.
Bold dates in brackets indicate the revision date for entries updated from the printed calendar.
Saturday also marks the beginning of BACDS Family Week, a great week of contra, English, ritual dance along with singing, storytelling, canoeing, crafts and... There's still space, so contact Emily Flouton and Jerry Allen at, or 707/829-8833 if you want to find out more. You can download a brochure in PDF format brochurehere.
Wednesday, July 5
The Wednesday Berkeley contra at GNC features Elizabeth Douglas calling with an Open Band led by Blood Red Moon (Ray Frank, Brian Theriault and Kerry Parker).
Friday, July 7
A special treat for English dancers--the Palo Alto English dance at MT features a visit from the amazing caller Sue Dupre, who's on her way to Mendocino for English Week. Music is supplied by local heroes Nonesuch Country Dance Players (Ruth Anne Fraley, Susan and Stanley Kramer, Mark Daly and Paul Kostka)
Saturday, July 8
The San Francisco English dance starts at 7:30 at BET, and has Joyce Uggla calling with music by the well-seasoned duo of Stanley Kramer and Craig Johnson.
And down in Palo Alto, at the contra at PA, Jim Saxe will call, with music by Kathrine Gardner and friends.
As if two dances aren't enough, two dance weeks sponsored by BACDS start on the evening of July 8, and both still have space available.
[6/14] Up at the Mendocino Woodlands, there's BACDS English Week, featuring a full spectrum of English ritual and country dancing, plus special sessions on movement and non-profit governance. Much more (and more compellingly written) info at the EW website.
[6/14] Sierra Swing--BACDS' American Dance Week--kicks off at Alta Sierra camp near Kings Canyon National Park, and features contras, squares, salsa and much, much more. Their website has all the info.
Sunday, July 9
The El Cerrito square/contra dance takes place at ECV starting at 7pm. Series host Jim Saxe calls, to the music of the amazing duo Stump Tail Dog (Dan Engle & Ray Frank).
Wednesday, July 12
Every Wednesday there's a BACDS dance at GNC in Berkeley, and tonight it's English, with David Newitt calling with music supplied by an Open Band led by Avis Minger, Judy Linsenberg & Craig Johnson.
Friday, July 14
Even though it's just barely a second Friday, there's a contra in Berkeley at FIN. Kirston Koths calls to the wonderful old-timey trio Dan Warrick, Susan Sullivan, and Stefan Curl.
Saturday, July 15
The first weeks of July always bring special guests coming to and from our summer camps, and tonight we have a doozy of a program at the contra in SF. CDSS Director Brad Foster (who now hails from Western Mass, but was in many ways the person who started BACDS when he lived out here) is joined by the incredible North Carolina band Footloose (North Carolina) (Pete Campbell, David DiGiuseppe, Andrea Hoag, Jonah Blaustein). If you contra, don't miss it...
Wednesday, July 19
This Wednesday it's a contra at GNC in Berkeley. Series host Erik Hoffman calls with music by an Open Band led by a new band of veteran dance musicians:
Friday, July 21
English dancing in downtown Palo Alto at MT. Bob Fraley calls, music by Nonesuch Country Dance Players (Ruth Anne Fraley, Susan and Stanley Kramer, Mark Daly and Paul Kostka)
Saturday, July 22
The fourth Saturday experienced English dance at GNC in Berkeley features Lydee Scudder teaching, to the tunes of Mark Carroll, Jon Berger, & a friend to be named later (watch this space!).
In Palo Alto, you can contra at PA with caller Eric Black and the wonderful Irish tunes of Tipsy House (Jack Gilder, Chris Knepper and Junji Shirota).
The Fairfax contra, at FCC, headlines caller Ken Olcott with music by the delightful duo of Janette Duncan and Joanne Aronson
Sunday, July 23
Hot times at the El Cerrito square/contra dance at ECV as Kentucky caller Chris Bischoff (KY) shares the mike with Open Band led by the irrepressible stringband dotGals (Susan Sullivan, Dan & Karen Warrick, and Adam Cavan) 7pm
Wednesday, July 26
The fourth Wednesday Berkeley English dance at GNC with Lise Dyckman and Open Band led by Danny Carnahan, David Newitt, and Chuck Ward. Wow...
Friday, July 28
The always-delightful fourth Friday contra in SF features Eric Black as calller, and the fine trio Charlie Hancock, John Light, Lee Anne Welch.
Saturday, July 29
Finally, the Palo Alto contra at PA, with Eric Black and a band to be announced...(nothing like finishing the month with an unfinished listing!)