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BACDS 2004 Playford Ball
Inspired by Puzzles and Parlour Games

April 3rd, 2004

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The Dances

These dances notes are meant as reminder directions only, and are not to be considered full or definitive directions to the dances. We urge everyone to buy the books in which these fine contemporary choreographers have published their work, many of which are available at the CDSS Bookstore.  * indicates a "For Those Who Know" dance.  Instructions in red indicate a correction to the notes that appear in the dance booklet.  Oh, and for those wanting to work out a real puzzle, check out the dances in Pilling Notation.

Abbreviations and notes about the descriptions:

  • L and R are left and right, respectively
  • 1s, 2s, 3s, refer to 1st couple, 2nd couple, 3rd couple, &c, in a set
  • Instructions with while indicate two actions occurring at the same time
  • Cpl is short for couple; likewise Cpls is couples.
  • M and W are man and woman, respectively
  • "R and L" or "Rights and lefts" implies hands; "circular hey" implies no hands.
  • All turns, circles, &c, are once around if not otherwise specified.
  • Turn singles with no specified direction may be done as the dancer wishes.
  • In duple minor dances, "1st Corners" always refers to the dancers first man and second woman

Chocolate Round-O
Longways duple minor, improper
Dance by Fried de Metz Herman 1989
Tune: adapted from Purcell 2/2, A minor
Source: Ease & Elegance (Fried de Metz Herman, 1995)
A1 All R-hand turn partner once round; back-to-back partner.
A2 All L-hand turn neighbor; L-shoulder back-to-back neighbor.
B1 All 2-hand turn partner; circle four L halfway; fall back with neighbor, setting R & L.
B2 2s gate 1s up once round; 1s half figure-8 up thru 2s while 2s wait, then cross over by R-shoulder.

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De'il Take the Warr
3-couple longways set
Dancing Master I, 17th ed. (1721); Andrew Shaw interpretation
Tune: circa 1696, 4/4, D major (B music is ten bars)
Modern source: The She Favourite (Andrew Shaw, 2002)
A1 1s long cast (2s wait and move up); 1s 2-hand turn once; 1s lead down thru 3s, cast back; 1s 2-hand turn once.
A2 2s (at the top) repeat A1 to original places
B1 Men hey for 3, top two men start passing R shoulders; 1st M zigzag down the set, crossing R hands with partner, L diagonal with 2nd M, R with 2nd W, L diagonal with 3rd M, R with 3rd W; 1st M and 3rd W turn single L.
B2 Repeat B1 from these positions (Women hey; 1st W zigzag down the set).
LAST TIME ONLY: Everyone turn single L on last bar.

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An Early Frost
Longways duple minor
Dance by Philippe Callens, 2000
Tune: "Midwinter Blossom" by Bob Pasquarello, 1989, 3/4, E minor
Source: Belgian Boutades (Philippe Callens, AADS, 2002)
A Men turn single R; turn partner R-hand halfway; Women turn single L; turn partner L-hand halfway. All turn single R; star by R once round; Cross R-shoulder with neighbor (up and down).
B Set to partner and cross by R-shoulder (as in "Hole in the Wall"); Circle four L once round; flow into half pousette clockwise. 1s cross and go below while 2s 2-hand turn halfway and take two side-steps up the center.

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Longways duple minor
Dance by Brooke Friendly & Chris Sackett, 2003
Tune: "Spatter the Dew" traditional 9/8, E minor
A1 1st M cast down, cross below the 2s, up the outside to 1st W's place while 1st W chases, but cuts up the middle of the set to 1st M's place.
A2 1st M cross down to begin hey for 3 with 2s across the set.
B Repeat A1-A2 from current positions (1st W leads chase).
C 2nd W cast up, followed by partner; hey for 3 with the 1s below, 2s acting as a unit pass R shoulders with 1st M to start; 2s end at home facing out
D Double figure-8, 1s cross down, 2s cast up to begin; 1s lead down, 2s cast up to progress.
PUZZLE HINT: Everyone is home at the end of each phrase, except the 1s are improper at the end of A1.

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Jack's Health
Longways duple minor
Dancing Master I, 7th ed. (1686)
Tune: "Bolt the Door" 6/8,
A minor
Modern sources: CD&S #5 or Legacy (A. Thompson, CDSS, 2002)
A 1s cross and go below; 2-hand turn once.  With neighbor back-to-back; face partner, fall back and set.
B Come forward, turn single; 4 changes of circular hey with hands (across musical phrase); 2-hand turn partner.

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Jaque Latin
Longways duple minor
Willsim, 1755
Tune: 2/4,
G major
Modern source: C. Hendrickson *Dances for the Dutch Court*
A1 1st W cut between 1st M and 2nd M to hey with them, ending all home.
A2 1st M cut between 1st W and 2nd W to hey with them, ending all home.
B1 1s cross and go below (2s move up), 1s cross again and go below (2s stay)
B2 1s lead up to original 2s, set to them; lead up and cast back through them.
C1 (Facing center of foursome) set twice; star L.
C2 Set twice; star R

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John Tallis's Canon*
Longways duple minor
Dance composed by Pat Shaw, 1965
Tune: 6/8, D major, based on hymn of Thomas Tallis
Sources: Pat Shaw Collection, Book 2 or
Legacy (A. Thompson, CDSS, 2002)
Dance in canon form; 2nd corners dance same movement as 1st corners, but 4 steps later.
A1 Corners meet and fall back; corners cross R-shoulder and loop L.
A2 Repeat A1 (ending home).
B1 R-hand turn corner once; set and turn single.
B2 L-hand turn once; fall *straight* back, come forward on diagonal to progressed places.
CODA 1st corners turn single while the 2nd corners move diagonally to their final progressed places.
Clues: (1) The other corners will join you for half a star in each turn.   (2) After progressing diagonally, make sure to leave room to meet with new corner as your music starts.

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Knives & Forks
Neal, 1726
Longways duple minor
Tune: 3/2, G minor
Modern sources: A Choice Collection of Country Dances As Printed and Sold by John and William Neal in Christ Church Yard, Dublin, c. 1726 (Rich Jackson and George Fogg, CDS Boston Centre, 1990) or
Legacy (A. Thompson, CDSS, 2002)
A1 1s cast down (2s lead up) and back-to-back.
A2 1s cast up (2s lead down) and back-to-back.
B1 With neighbor lead out (3 steps) and lead back; cross R-shoulder with partner.
B2 2nd diagonal positions (1st M & 2nd W) cross, other diagonals cross; all 2-hand turn partner.

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Leather Lake House
Longways triple minor
Six New Minuets and Twelve Country Dances by J. Bishop, 1788
Tunes: 2/4, A major and alternate "Pease Strae" in B minor
Modern source: The Naked Truth (Fried de Metz Herman, 1986)
A1 Top two couples set to partner, two changes of circular hey (no hands); repeat to place.
A2 1s cross, go below (2s move up), quick 2-hand turn halfway; 1s lead down between 3s and cast back to 2nd place.
B1 1st W with 2s, 1st M with 3s, circle 3 hands L once round; all turn partner by R.
B2 1st M with 2s, 1st W with 3s, circle 3 hands R once round; all turn partner by L.

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two couples facing
Colin Hume, 1992.
Tune: "Grimstock" from Playford 1651, 6/8, A major
Source: New Dances for Old (Colin Hume, 1990)
Clue: At the end of each A, everyone is diagonally opposite original place; at the end of each B, everyone is home.
Part I
A1 With partner, forward a double and back; cross R-shoulder with opposite and loop away from partner 3/4 to finish beside opposite, facing partner.
A2 With opposite, forward a double and back; cross R-shoulder with partner and loop away from opposite 3/4 to finish beside partner, all ending diagonally opposite original place.
B Women cross R-shoulder, men cross R-shoulder; circle L once.
Part II
A1 Side R-shoulder with partner; cross R-shoulder with partner and loop away from opposite 3/4 to finish beside partner (improper) facing opposite.
A2 Side L-shoulder with opposite; cross L-shoulder with opposite and loop away from partner 3/4 to finish beside opposite facing partner.
B Half pousette counterclockwise with partner (men push); Half pousette clockwise with opposite (women push).
Part III
A1 Arm R with partner; women cast L-shoulder and orbit halfway around, followed by opposite men, who end where they started.
A2 Arm L with opposite; men cast R-shoulder and orbit halfway around, followed by partners, who end where they started.
B Star R once around; opposite 2-hand turn halfway, partner 2-hand turn halfway.

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Mrs. Pomeroy's Pavane
3-couple longways set mixer, middles improper
Tune: 2/2, G minor
Source: More of the Same (Charles Bolton, 1986)
Introduction: Honor partner
A1 All turn partner R-hand halfway; retaining hands, set.  Finish the turn, then turn single L.
A2 Gypsy partner by L shoulder; circle 6 to R halfway.
B1 Lines of 3 fall back and come forward.  Cross on L diagonal (or wait), set to partner (along line or long diagonal).
B2 Back-to-back partner.  Cross R-shoulder with new partner across the set and honor them.

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Ore Boggy
Longways duple minor
Neal, 1726
Tune: 2/2, A major
Modern source: A Choice Collection of Country Dances As Printed and Sold by John and William Neal in Christ Church Yard, Dublin, c. 1726 (Rich Jackson and George Fogg, CDS Boston Centre, 1990)
A1 1s lead down and cast back, 2-hand turn.
A2 2s lead up and cast back, 2-hand turn.
B1 1s cross and go below (2s move up), half figure-8 up.
B2 Rights and lefts with hands, 4 changes.

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Saint Margaret's Hill
3-couple longways set
Dancing Master II:1 (1710)
Tune: 3/2, G minor
Modern source: The Playford Ball (Kate van Winkle Keller and Genevieve Shimer, CDSS, 1990)
A1 1s cast (2s move up), 2-hand turn 3/4 to lines of 3 (1st W between the 2s facing down, 1st M between 3s facing up).
A2 Lines fall back, come forward; circle 6 halfway.
B1 1s R-hand turn person on R, turn partner L 3/4; lead down (improper), cast back, 2-hand turn partner 1/2 (to proper side).
B2 1s L-hand turn person on R, turn partner R 3/4; lead up (improper), cast back; all 2-hand turn partner 1/2 (to proper side).

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Sally in Our Alley
longways duple
Walsh, Complete Country Dance Manual, 1719
Tune: 3/4, C major
Modern source: CDSS News May/June 2000.
A1 1st corners dance half figure-8 around 2nd corners (cast L behind neighbor, pass each other L-shoulder in center, R shoulder around partner to change places).
A2 2nd corners dance half figure-8 (cast R behind partner, pass each other R shoulder in center, L-shoulder around neighbor).
B1 All fall back, come forward, cross to own side and loop R to face partner; four changes of circular hey, without hands.
B2 1st corner people (in 2nd diagonal places) cross, others cross, circle L once round;  1s cast and 2-hand turn to own sides while 2s move up the center, turning with 2 hands 1 1/2 to own side.

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Scotch Cap
3-couple longways set
Dancing Master I:1 (1651)
Tune: 6/8, D minor
Modern source: The Playford Ball (Kate van Winkle Keller and Genevieve Shimer, CDSS, 1990)
Part I
A Up a double and back, repeat.
B1 On L diagonal, balance back and cross over; 1st M and 3rd W cross.
B2 Repeat B1 back to places.
Part II
A Siding into lines with partner by R, then L.
B1 Taking hands, lines fall back and come forward; middles arm R partner while others arm R neighbor (along the line).
B2 Taking hands, lines fall back and come forward; all 2-hand turn partner.
Part III
A With partner, arm R, then L.
B1 Lines of 3 at sides join hands and slip L (4 steps), 3rd M and 1st W take R hands to start a progressive hey with hands back to place.
B2 Repeat, slipping R, W3 and M1 take L hands to start the progressive hey.

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Sunlight through Draperies
Tom Roby, 2002
Longways duple minor
Tune: Larry Unger, "Judy & Jim's Wedding", 3/4, D major
Source: to appear in CDSS News
A1 1st corners back-to-back for three waltz steps and then turn single R back to place.  All gypsy with partner.
A2 2nd corners L-shoulder back-to-back for three waltz steps and then turn single L back to place. All gypsy L-shoulder with partner.
B1 Circle hands four to the R once around.  Balance the ring forward and back, and all turn single R.
B2 Circle hands four to the L all the way around.  Balance the ring in and out; 1s cast while 2s lead up.

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Turning By Threes
Gary Roodman, 2003
3-couple circle
Tune: Paul Machlis, "Tourner á Trois", 3/4, B minor
Source: A Finite Set of Calculated Figures (Gary Roodman, Common Wealth Printing, 2003)
A1 Circle 6 to L (six steps), turn single L; repeat to R.
A2 Back-to-back partner (12 steps); 2 quick changes of rights and lefts, then turn next person R-hand once around.
B1 Men star L once around; Women star R once around
B2 Men dance to center with 2 singles ("step-close, step-close"); Women the same, as men fall back; Women look over R shoulder and gypsy new partner 1 1/4, back into the circle.
CLUE: At the start of the dance, your new partner is directly opposite you in the circle.

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Wakefield Hunt
Longways triple minor
Thompson, 1779
Tune: G major, 6/8
Modern source: Hunter's Moon (Tom Cook, Cotswold Music, Limited, 1987)
Clue: This dance is *triple* progression, so you are never out at the top.
A1 1st M cast off (2nd M moves up), set to 3rd W and 2-hand turn her, ending 1st M in 2nd place.
A2 1st W does the same with 3rd M.
B1 Slipping circle 6 hands round to L, then R.
B2 1s gate down through 3s, then up through 2s.
C1 1s star R with 3s, then L with 2s.
C2 1s and 3s, 3 changes of rights and lefts, starting with partner; 1s go down outside below next 2's, who move up (to become 3's).

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Revised:  03/24/04