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The Bay Area Country Dance Society returns to the site of its original American Dance camps, first held over 20 years ago: the magnificent Mendocino Woodlands. This 700-acre camp is a National Historic Landmark and is nestled in a quiet redwood forest inland from the coastal village of Mendocino, a four-hour drive north of San Francisco. This idyllic, temperate location provides the perfect opportunity for dancers, musicians, and singers of all levels of experience to learn from our exciting, first-rate staff.

We will immerse ourselves in all of the arts that traditionally have made up the fabric of American Dance and Music – from the dance forms themselves and the instrumental sounds that make us move our feet to the songs and stories that chronicle and enrich our community. As is evident from the daily schedule, we will have ample opportunity to hone our skills in classes as well as to share some of our own experience during camper-led activities.

Many memorable moments at camp often occur during the “unstructured time” allotted for our infamous Theme Parties, swimming in the river, or walking through the woods with the camp naturalist.

Accommodations at Woodlands camp are solidly built rustic redwood cabins, each housing two people. Each cabin, while without electricity, has its own stone fireplace and a wooden balcony for relaxing. Bathrooms with showers and plenty of hot water are nearby. The meals are delectable and will more than satisfy everyone, including those with special dietary needs.

The 2004 American Dance and Music Week promises to be not only a unique learning experience, but above all else, some serious fun. Our carefully chosen staff and the campers they will attract from across the country should combine to make this camp an unforgettable highlight of the year.

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