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2017 BACDS Playford Ball — The Dances

Here's a Word Document which includes more information.

  • "R" & "L" indicates hands, "circular hey" indicates no hands.
  • CW/CCW = clockwise/counterclockwise.
  • Unless otherwise specified, hand turns and circles are once around, corner/partner/neighbor changes are by R shoulder, and duple minor dances are proper.



Composer: Johnson 1758, K. and D. Wright 1979
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 2/4
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1st corners set forward and fall straight back.
1st corners cast to neighbor's place while 2nd corners RH turn 1¼.
A2 As above, new 1st corners leading.
B1 RH star, LH star.
B2 1s cross and go below (2s moving up), ½ figure 8 up through 2s.


Anna Maria

Source: Playford 1721
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 3/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1s meet, lead through 2s and cast home.
A2 2s the same.
B1 Circle ½ and fall back.
Pass partner by R, 1s ending close together facing up and 2s farther apart, facing out.
B2 Double whole figure 8, 1s crossing up to start.


The Archer

Composer: Anna Rain 2015
Tune: The Huntsman's Chorus
Meter: 2/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1st corners RH turn ½, keep hands and balance in and out.
They cast L back to place (outside of standing dancers).
A2 2nd corners the same, but LH turn and cast R.
B1 Circle L.
Set and link (trade places with neighbor while turning single R).
B2 2 changes of Rs and Ls (start with partner).
Partner 2H turn ½, then 1s cast as 2s lead up.



Source: Playford 1689, interpretation by Charles Bolton (modified)
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 2/2
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1s long lead down center, change hands to lead back, and M1 hands partner across into his place. 1s end facing 2s.

Swirly siding with neighbors.
Neighbors 2H turn.

B1 Partners "Hole In The Wall" cross.
M2 cast up, partner following, as 1s meet then lead down.
B2 2nd corner places change by R, then 1st corners the same.
Clap on 1st beat, circle L ½ and turn single L.
"Hole In The Wall": Pass partner by R, immediately pivoting to face them and then falling back to other side.


Domino 5

Composer: Derek Haynes 1998
Format: 5 person set:
4 dancers in a square, one in the middle. As you face up, middle is #5, top R is #1, top L #2, back L #3, back R #4.
A1 #5 dances RH star with the dancers on the right (#1 and 4).
#5 dances LH star with the dancers on the left (#2 and 3).
A2 #5 passes #1 by R to start whole hey (5, 1, 3) on 1st diagonal †.
B1 #5 passes #2 by L to start whole hey (5, 2, 4) on 2nd diagonal †.
B2 In 4 steps, #5 and #1 pass R shoulders to change places. Then 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 4.
† = Skip-change step is optional but fun.


Elephants Stairs

Composer: Walsh 1727, interpretation by Andrew Shaw, to be published 2017
Tune: (not in Barnes)
Meter: 3/4 (waltz time)
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 1s cast down into whole fig 8 around stationary 2s, ending w/cloverleaf turn out (roughly 6 steps each for the cast, cross, cast and cross/cloverleaf).
A2 2s the same, casting up to start and cloverleaf out.
B1 Men lead through the women and cast back.
1s lead through 2s and cast back.
B2 Women lead through the men and cast back.
2s lead up, cast down and lead up while 1s cast down, lead up and cast down.



[for those who know — will not be walked through]

Composer: Jenna Simpson 2011/2014
Tune: The Shepherd and Shepherdess
Meter: 2/4
Format: 4 couple longways
A1 At the ends, W1 and M4 cast around neighbor followed by their partners to end improper in 2nd and 3rd places, respectively, while middle couples half poussette CW to nearest ends.
1st and 4th couples single file circle CCW once round in middle (skipping step).
A2 Repeat with new end couples chasing & single file circling as new middles half poussette to the ends (end 1-2-3-4, all improper).
B1 Circle 8 (slipping optional) R and L.
B2 M2 following M3 and W3 following W2 (men down, women up), dance R-shoulder half heys for 3 at the ends (middle pairs acting as single units going into the heys, and coming out on their own sides to face partners across).  End 1-3-2-4, all proper.
All 2-hand turn partner once around, pull back right shoulder to turn away from partner into lines of four facing out on own side.
C1 Lines lead out on the sides, fall back bending into circles, circle 4 once round.
C2 All turn away from the circle to form lines of four across the set facing out (up and down).  Lines lead up/down, fall back bending into circles, circle 4 halfway and change with partner by R shoulder.  End 3-1-4-2.



Composer: Orly Krasner 2000
Tune: Barnes 2 (link for tune only)
Meter: 3/4 (waltz time)
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will, first couples improper
A1 Partners "Two Cousins siding" by L, gypsy R ¾ to each other's place.
Circle L.
A2 Neighbors "Two Cousins siding" by R, gypsy L ¾ to each other's place.
Circle R.
B1 CCW ½ straight poussette with partner (men forward).
CCW ½ draw poussette with partner (men back).
B2 Open ladies chain over and back.
"Two Cousins siding": In A1, start as in swirly siding, curving tightly in on 6th step to finish R shoulder to R shoulder with partner. In A2 the siding starts on the other side, ending with L shoulders to neighbor.


Margate Hoy

Source: Thompson 1783, interpretation by Michael Barraclough
Meter: 4/4 or 6/8
Format: Longways triple minor for as many as will
A1 W1 leads line of 3 women up and around the line of 3 men and back to place.
A2 As above for men.
B1 1s lead down, cloverleaf turn single (men R, women L), lead back up and cast off to middle place.
B2 Partners RH balance then box the gnat. Repeat with LH to end proper.
"Box the gnat": Men turn women under their joined hands as in Duke of Kent's waltz.


Measured Obsession

Composer: Fried de Metz Herman 1991
Tune: Barnes 2
Meter: 3/4 (waltz time)
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will, first couples improper
A1 RH star ½.
Women keep hands and balance forward and back as men release hands, orbit forward around the woman in front of them to exchange places with each other.
As above, but Men balance and women orbit, ending progressed, 2s improper.
A2 Join both hands with partner and men draw partner straight back out of set 6 steps.
1s lead up, 2s down, 2 slow steps.
Join both hands with partner and women draw partner back into set 6 steps.
2s cast up and face in as 1s lead down and face out.
B 1s face en face by R shoulder as 2s back to back by R shoulder, then all pivot R to face the other way (2s out, 1s in).
Reverse roles, 1s back to back as 2s face en face (2s stay facing out at end).
C 1s lead up and cast down as 2s cast down and lead up, then...
Partners 2H turn ½, ending facing current neighbor along line.
Neighbors gypsy by R shoulder once around and finish with a turn single R.
"Face en face": fall back across the set, passing R shoulders, move slightly to own R, then go forward passing L shoulders.


Mrs. Hill's Dance

Composer: Kynaston 1710, interpretation by Andrew Shaw (unpublished)
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 6/8
Format: 3 couple longways
A1 1s cross diagonally down through 2s (who move up) and set to 3s, who also set.
1s/3s handy-hand turn 1½ (1s going outward to start) to trade places.
A2 As above to home, 1s crossing up through 3s and setting to 2s, handy-hand turn 1½.
B1 1s and 2s 2 changes Rs and Ls , starting with partner.
1s and 2s 2H turn partner 1½.
B2 1s (in 2nd place) ½ figure 8 through L end couple (M up, W down).
1s 2H turn ½ and cast down as 3s lead up.


Plum Thursday

Composer: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2007
Tune: "The Split Rock" by Kevin Burke 1997
Meter: 6/8
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A1 Neighbors LH turn, 1st corners end facing out.
½ hey for 4 straight across, 2nd corners passing R and 1st corners looping L to start.  End in corner's original place with 1st corners still facing out.
A2 Repeat to home, 1st corners end facing out.
B1 2nd corners LH turn 1½ to trade places as 1st corners orbit CCW ½ to trade places. These movements both go the same direction, which is unusual but correct.
Partners (across set) L-shoulder back to back.
B2 Partners R-shoulder back to back.
Partners RH turn 1½ to face new neighbor.


Sapphire Sea

Composer: Christine Robb, 2015
Tune: "Tom Kruskal's" by Emily Troll and Amelia Mason
Meter: 4/4
Format: Longways duple minor for as many as will
A Circle L.
1st corners RH turn.
2nd corners LH turn.
1s cast down to the middle of a line of 4, facing W2, as 2s move up and cast out to ends.
B Dolphin hey, 1s acting as unit, W1 and W2 passing R to start.  End in same line of 4 facing up, with hands.
Line of 4 lead up and fall back.
2s gate 1s up and around to progressed places, releasing hands a little early for new circles.


Shrewsbury Lasses

Composer: Thompson 1765
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 2/2
Format: 3 couple longways
A1 M1 to W2, step and honor R and L.
They 2H turn.
A2 As above, W1 to M2.
B1 1s cast to middle as 2s move up.
1s and 3s circle L.
1s skip CW around outside of set to change places.
1 2H turn ½ to end proper.
B2 As above for 3s, casting up to start (1s move down).


Step Stately

[for those who know — will not be walked through]

Source: Playford 1651
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 6/8
Format: 3 couple longways
A Lead up a double, slip across (women in front) and face out, taking hands in lines.
M1/W1 lead their lines down to bottom, forming a line of 6 facing up, 1s in center.
B Line leads up a double and back.
Women crossing in front, M1/W1 lead their lines across the set to home places.
Repeat A & B

1s lead up, change hands and lead back to face 2s.
They circle L ½ and 1st corners change passing R.

B1 W1 takes L hands with W2 and hands her across as they lead up between M1/M2.  Women end on outside of line of 4, behind neighbor.
M1/M2 pull by R, then LH turn partners ½ or 1x into progressed places proper.
A2/B2 1s repeat figure with 3s, ending at bottom.
A3/B3 - A6/B6 2s lead figure from top and middle, then 3s the same. All end home.
A1 1s cross and go below (2s move up), then cross over and face in, taking hands in lines of 3.
Lines fall back and come forward, 2s and 3s crossing with partner ending facing out.
B1 1s lead to top and cast to bottom, while 2s tuck in behind 1s, lead to top and cast to middle behind 3s, and 3s turn single down, lead to top and turn inward to face 2s.
1s arm R while 2s and 3s circle L ½.  End 2-3-1.
A2/B2 - A3/B3 2s lead figure from top, then 3s the same.  All end home.
A Lead up a double, slip across (women in front) and face out, taking hands in lines.
M1/W1 lead their lines down to bottom, forming a line of 6 facing up, 1s in center.
B Line leads up a double and back.
Line leads up a double, then all step R and honor.


Trip to Town O

Composer: Brooke Friendly and Chris Sackett 2005
Tune: Barnes 2 "The Foxhunter's"
Meter: 9/8
Format: Sicilian circle
A1 RH star.
Turn single L.
A2 LH star.
Turn single R.
B1 Neighbor RH turn.
Partner LH turn.
B2 Take hands with partner, advance toward neighbors and retire.
Drop hands and pass neighbors by R to meet new neighbors.


Wibsey Roundabout

Composer: Gary Roodman 1996
Tune: Barnes 1
Meter: 6/8
Format: 5 couple circle
A Men go forward to center.
Women go forward as men fall back.
Men go forward and turn R to face out as women fall back.
Partner RH turn ¾ to original places, then pull by partner to start 3 changes of a grand chain (partner is #1).
With #4, LH turn.
B All 5 women RH star.
With current partner (#4) back to back.
All take hands in a ring and go into the middle and back.
Pass current partner by R and with the next (new partner) 2H turn, ending facing center.

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